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Concert Attire Example:


Our concert attire aesthetic is "Flexible but Uniform."  We want you to be as comfortable and expressive as possible in performance while maintaining a uniform, professional look.  Here are the steps:

  1. Check out the example orchestra above. 

  2. Read the guidelines and choose option 1, 2a, or 2b below. 

  3. Purchase the necessary items for your option using the links OR find comparable items in-store/online on your own. 

  4. Check with Mr. Cummings several weeks in advance of our first concert if you have doubts, questions, or difficulty finding attire.  He will refer you to a booster parent attire specialist if further help is needed.  

*If ordering online using the links or your own source, confirm shipping speeds/availability.  Plan to have all required items a week prior to our first concert: Fall Concert is October 5, 2023.  Tuxedo rentals are available through the Booster Club. 


Guidelines for "Flexible but Uniform"

  • All uniforms will be checked before the concert; anything that is deemed incorrect will result in a lowered grade.  There is also the possibility of not being allowed to perform if it can't be fixed. 

  • Black means solid black. 

NO leisure/athletic shoes.  

NO "V" necklines, high cut dresses, sequins, or distracting embellishments/jewelry. 

NO sleeveless.  

  • If choosing to source your own attire instead of using links below, the styles need to match in terms of dress/sleeve length and general appearance.  

OPTION 1: Tuxedo



(Note: This item not listed as quick delivery and arrives unhemmed- confirm your shipping date)


  • Black socks and dress shoes


OPTION 2a: Black floor-length dress with sleeves or black jumper 





(Note: Jumper is a special order item with longer lead time- confirm your shipping date)


  • Black dress shoes


OPTION 2b: Black pants or floor-length skirt with black blouse






  • Black dress shoes